My nephew from N.S.W. was holidaying with us recently, for his July school holidays. We had a blast!! Took him to the Melbourne Aquarium, some fool (me) didn't think it would be worthwhile taking the camera......just shoot me now! Missed out on so many wonderful photo opportunities. Never mind....he and I had a great time at the Aquarium looking at the hugh rays, sharks, and the many, many, many different types of fish. He loved being in "the fish bowl", where the people are in the bowl, and the fish swim around you! We watched the divers feeding the hungry rays, and a greedy turtle that didn't know when he had had enough.
On another day we ventured into the Melbourne Zoo. Took the camera on this day. It took us ALL day....6 hours of walking around the Zoo. We were blown away by the many different types of animals and how clean their enclosures were. It was fantastic to see them up close and personal. We loved watching the Red Panda climb down the tree, the lion walking underneath us as we stood on the bridge above. The wonderful collection of reptiles in the Reptile house, big cats, small cats, monkeys , the butterfly house and much more.
A thoroughly wonderful couple of days spent in my hometown Melbourne, with my nephew from N.S.W. Can highly recommend Melbourne and its many attractions as a great place to explore. Have a look at just a small selection of photos that we took at the zoo.
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